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A Mothers Day at Wembley to watch POMPEY !

Rex #pup

When asked If I’d like to go and watch Portsmouth play at Wembley on Mothers Day of course I had no hesitations in saying ‘yes’ !

Last year I went alongside my family to watch Tottenham football club play at Wembley thanks to my eight year old son, Kit’s love of them, his favourite team and we all had an amazing time.

( Whilst we were waiting at the train station we made him hold a Sun newspaper we found on the platform with his favourite player on the back ‘Harry Kane’ at this point he had no idea he was on his way to watch him !! )


We even were fortunate enough to see Paul Gasgoine and the Tottenham Legends including one of Portsmouth’s ex players.

Sometimes I guess I try to fight my love of football but other times I realise just how much I actually love it too.

Being a Mother for over 21 years I have had to embrace football even when I’m not even totally sure if I actually really 1) enjoy the game of football 2) understand the offside rule either?? ( please don’t ask me !)

My son Michael was born in 1997 and loved football from the moment he could crawl.

Back in the late nineties I’m not sure if my three-year-old son was as obsessed with David Beckham as I was however he seemed to like his mohawk blonde hair and pierced ear for a while !

Since then I have had another F O U R beautiful and healthy sons, ( yes you’ve read that correctly ! ) and endured many muddy floors thanks to the regular weekly Sunday football matches, The smell of football socks and one too many broken windows thanks to a sphere also known as a F O O T B A L L !

I have kept EVERY single shirt my sons have worn as a reminder for the love of the game they have and probably to remind myself my passion as a Mother to boys who love football so much too.

I think most of my sons first words were either ‘goal’ or ‘ball’ and my youngest took his first steps on an astro turf aged just 13 months old.

Every week you can find me ‘hollaring’ at the side of the football pitch ‘boot it’ and using my other technical football language which sometimes my sons can get irritated by, I hope I’m not the only Mum who does this ??!!

My boys love that I’m a lover of the game, ( or is it simply that I am a great chaperone to matches I’m not really sure in twenty-one years If I have fathomed this answer out yet !! )

I often take jaffa cakes and snack for my sons team - even offering them at half time sometimes not realising they had another half to play !

The football season is a tough one sometimes particularily in England where the weather is so atrocious, however I am there all seasons but I definitely love tournament times, In the sunshine a chance to grab a burger, watch a footy match or two, bathe in the sunshine and socialise with the footy family also.

Rex aka John PFC Westwood

Would I rather be a football widow on Mothering Sunday and be without my sons…. No chance in the world would it stop me from being away from them and if I can get to watch Pompey too then that’s a bonus. I’m just hoping my seat is near to Mr John PFC Westwood and Portsmouth get a great result too !!

Oh and maybe blue and white flowers are going to be ordered too !!