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'Capturing memories that will last a lifetime'


Mummy & son

Eli ready for some sunshine !!

Eli ready for some sunshine !!

Eli aged 7 months came along for his session in May and when he arrived he was very much  sleeping. 

Inevitably when he woke he was in strange surroundings with a new person in his presence.  

That someone wasn't his mummy and not the person that has been so close to him for the last 16 months. ( 9 months in Mummy's tummy 7 months in her arms ) 

Mummy & Eli

Mummy & Eli

The person who ultimately provides warmth, comfort, food and is there for him for every second of the day.  

Once he woke properly we set to taking some photographs of him but realised he didn't want to play at being sat up. 

And of course that's fine.  

He is still very young and not quite mastered the sitting technique just yet ( to be honest this little boy is so strong I think he will be walking very early!)  

Baby's tell us if they don't feel comfortable and we as mummy's have to meet their needs. 

Eli loves Winnie the Pooh and his late grandmother's Bear of which we got to have in the set up for the session. 

He also loves baths, chocolate biscuits, wotsits and of course his Mummy and Daddy. 

It was such a pleasure to meet you Eli keep that teddy bear safe 🐻  until I meet you again!! 

Eli & his late grandmothers blue teddybear

Eli & his late grandmothers blue teddybear